Masson’s Trichrome Stain

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By Lab Reports Aid

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Reagents and Preparation of Stain

Solution A

  • Acid fuchsin: 0.5 gram
  • Glacial acetic acid: 0.5 ml
  • Distilled Water: 100 ml

Solution B

  • Phosphomolybdic acid or oxalic acid: 1 gram
  • Distilled water: 100 ml

Solution C

  • Methyl Blue or light green: 2.0 gram
  • Glacial acetic Acid: 2.5 ml
  • Distilled water: 100 ml

Staining Procedure

1) Deparaffinize the slide by heating in hot incubation.

2) To remove paraffin, the slide has to be dipped in xylene for 1-2 minutes. Repeat the process four times.

3) Keep the slide in alcohol for 1-2 minutes to remove xylene. Repeat the process two times.

4) Wash the slide in running water.

5) Remove mercury pigment by iodine thiosalfate.

6) Wash the slide in tap water.

7) Stain nuclei by hematoxylin (preferably iron hematoxylin).

8) Differentiate in acid-alcohol.

9) Wash well in tap water.

10) Stain with solution A for 5 minutes.

11) Rinse with distilled water.

12) Treat with solution B for 5 minutes.

13) Drain the excess solution.

14) Stain with solution C for 2–3 minutes.

15) Rinse with distilled water.

16) Treat with 1% acetic acid for 2 minutes.

17) Dehydrate through graded alcohol

18) Clear in xylene & mount.


Muscle: Red

Nuclei: Blue

Fibrous Tissue: Green