Toluidine Blue

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By Lab Reports Aid

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Reagents and Preparation

1 gram toluidine blue in 100 ml of 50% isopropanol

Staining Procedure

1) Deparaffinize the slide by heating in hot incubation.

2) To remove paraffin, the slide has to be dipped in xylene for 1-2 minutes. Repeat the process four times.

3) Keep the slide in alcohol for 1-2 minutes to remove xylene. Repeat the process two times.

4) Wash the slide in running water.

5) Stain in a toluidine blue solution for 30 minutes at 37°C.

(Keep the slide in a petridish, fill the petridish with the stain, & keep it in incubator.)

6) Blot the section carefully.

7) Place in 50% isopropanol for 1 minute.

8) Clear in xylene & mount.


Amyloid and many other tissue components stain an orthochromatic blue color, but when examined with a polarizing microscope, amyloid gives a dark red birefringence.

Image source: Arkana Laboratories